BySino Mechanical

Common faults and troubleshooting methods of reciprocating water injection pumps

Common faults and troubleshooting methods of reciprocating water injection pumps

Serial numberFault conditionsCauseMethod of exclusion
1The suction and discharge pressure gauge fluctuates and exceeds the limit.1. Insufficient water supply1. Solve the water supply problem
2. Leakage of suction and discharge valve2. Check the suction and discharge valves
3. There is air in the pressure gauge pipeline3. Discharge the air in the tube
2The vibration of the whole machine exceeds the limit1. The crankshaft shaft moves too much in the direction1. Check the axial clearance
2. The connection clip is loose2. Adjust the connection clip to meet the requirements
3The whole machine is too noisy1. The inlet and outlet valves are loose or damaged.1. Adjust or replace damaged parts
2. The moving parts are loose or the gap is too large2. Tighten the loose parts and adjust the gap.
3. Rolling bearing damage3. Replace bearings
4Rolling bearing temperature is too high and the sound is abnormal1. Improper assembly of bearings1. Reassemble and adjust the gap
2. Bearing parts have fatigue corrosion marks or damage.2. Replace bearings
3. Lubricant emulsified or deteriorated3. Change lubricating oil
4. Pump overload operation4. Replace the corresponding plunger assembly
5. The crankcase oil level is too high or too low5.Adjust the oil level height
6. Mechanical failure in the crankcase6. Maintenance personnel identify and handle the problem
5The plunger seal leaks seriously1. The sealing packing is damaged1. Replace the packing
2. The cover of the root box is too loose2. Adjust the tightness of the gland
6Crankshaft oil seal, oil retaining head oil seal leaks1. Improper assembly of oil seal1. Reassemble the oil seal
2. Oil seal is damaged2. Replace with new oil seal
7Liquid inlet pipeline vibrates too much1. There is gas in the pump head1. Exhaust gas
2. Insufficient fluid supply2. Increase the liquid supply volume
8Crankcase oil temperature is too high1. The oil does not meet the requirements1. Change oil
2. Lubricant emulsified or deteriorated2. Replace lubricating oil
3. Pump overload operation3. Replace the corresponding plunger assembly
4. The crankcase oil level is too high or too low4. Adjust the oil level height
5. Mechanical failure in the crankcase5. Maintenance personnel identify and deal with it

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